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About Us

The Samuel Griffith Society was established in 1992.

Its general objectives are to educate Australians and undertake and support research about the Constitution, promote discussion of constitutional matters, defend the great virtues of the present Constitution, support the decentralisation of power, restore the authority of the Parliament, defend the independence of the judiciary, and support reform to these ends. A copy of the Commonwealth Constitution can be found here.

The specific objectives of the Society are to arrange conferences, hold meetings, publish papers, and inform people and governments in accordance with the general objectives set out above, and thereby encourage a wider understanding of Australia’s Constitution and the nation’s achievements under it.

“Nothing should be done by the Commonwealth that could be done equally well by the individual States themselves”

Sir Harry Gibbs, Launching Address of the Society (1992)

Samuel Griffith Society

The Society publishes an annual book entitled “Upholding the Constitution”, which contains the papers and speeches presented at each of the Society’s conferences.

An electronic copy of every volume is available here.

For more details about our hard copy volumes, click here.

The Society welcomes all people of all ages and from all backgrounds. There are many ways to become involved including by joining the Society as a member, attending one of our events, or presenting a paper for publication by the Society.